
Getting Started


DSC Students on a study abroad program in Europe

Study Abroad with Dalton State College

Who can study abroad through DSC?

Why should I study abroad?

Where can I go?

What about financial aid?

How do I apply?

Who can study abroad through DSC? 

任何成绩良好的DSC学生或其他成绩良好的学生 institution which accepts study abroad credit is eligible. 一定要和你想要获得学分的学院或大学核实一下他们的政策.

Why should I study abroad?

你应该把出国留学作为大学教育的一部分有很多原因. Here are a few...


This is the absolute best time in your life to study abroad. You'll never get a better opportunity than right now. 如果你曾经想过出国留学,那就趁你上大学的时候去做吧. 如果你错过了这个机会之窗,那么在以后的生活中几乎不可能再这样做了. Traveling overseas is just not the same.

To broaden your horizons and gain a new perspective

Life in the USA is pretty much the same day in, day out. 海外生活让你以全新的视角看待日常生活. You don't even realize it, 但我们的文化塑造了我们看待世界的方式,影响着我们每天的每一分钟. 文化的差异不仅仅是语言、饮食、衣着和艺术的差异. 文化差异反映了人们对世界和生活方式根深蒂固的看法, 这些观念在不同的文化中是完全不同的. 美国人不愿意冒险走出他们日常生活的范围. 出国留学的学生回国后,对其他文化的看法会更开阔,更少偏见. 你会对世界各地正在发生的新闻更加敏感. 你将能够更好地与校园里来自不同国家的其他学生相处.

To gain a better perspective about yourself

Find out who you really are. What are your limits? 你如何克服你从未遇到过的障碍? How far can you push yourself? How independent are you? 这些问题很难回答,除非你离开你通常的环境. By leaving your "comfort zone" of life in the U.S., you'll get to know strengths you never before knew you had. After solving difficult problems on your own overseas, you'll find that almost nothing fazes you at home. 出国留学的学生普遍表示,他们的留学经历实际上改变了他们的生活.

To get to know another culture and way of life

This is a valuable commodity in today's global society. 潜在的雇主会对你印象深刻,因为你不仅对另一个社会有独特的看法, but your own as well. 有过海外留学经历表明你有上进心, inquisitive, 并且愿意尝试新事物——这些都是员工身上非常吸引人的品质. People who study abroad tend to be willing to take risks, willing to put themselves in unusual situations, able to solve problems under unique circumstances, and able to overcome the fear of the unknown. 你也会把自己和其他美国学生区别开来.

To learn things first-hand, for yourself

It's one thing to read about the culture of another country, but another entirely to experience it yourself. 你以前只在书上读到或在课堂上学到的东西将成为你自己的个人经历. 出国留学并不适合每个人,但这是每个人都应该考虑的事情.


Where can I go?

DSC和佐治亚大学系统为您提供从9天课程到学期/学年课程的各种出国留学机会. You choose what works for you. 许多DSC学生选择在世界各国进行为期五周的暑期海外学习项目. For more information, go to USG Study Abroad Programs.

What about financial aid?

及早为经济援助做准备是很重要的. If planned properly, HOPE奖学金和大多数经济援助项目都可以申请到经过认证的出国留学机会. Also, 你应该考虑助学贷款来帮助你参与这一生一次的机会. Contact the DSC Financial Aid Office 有关使用经济援助计划出国留学的具体信息.

Each year DSC offers a limited number of DSC Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships. There are also other external scholarship opportunities. 查看可用奖学金列表,并从网站下载申请表格 Financial Aid/Scholarship page for an application.

How do I apply?

确保你完全了解如何为出国留学做准备, please follow the following steps.

  • Visit DSC’s 新葡京网址赌城中心(Gignilliat Memorial Hall, 004室),或联系Dr. Fernando Garcia at (706) 272-4600, 查看留学项目选择,获取信息和申请表格.
  • Visit your academic advisor 在你的专业学习领域讨论海外项目如何符合毕业要求,并获得所选课程的书面批准. See the USG Goes Global - Course Equivalency 以比较留学课程与同等的DSC课程.
  • Visit the Financial Aid Office 研究如何将经济援助应用于你的留学项目.
  • Complete your application. Before submitting your form. 它必须由新葡京网址赌城中心主任签署. 你需要提交的其他表格包括你的留学项目申请表, DSC Terms and Conditions of Participation, and DSC Medical Profile and Consent for Care Form. 即使该项目不是DSC赞助的,也必须提交完整的出国留学申请. 否则,不能保证DSC会承认所获得的学分.